Tom Gentry is an addiction professional, recovery coach, family consultant, and men’s advocate.
He is currently available for coaching & consultation.
Family Coaching & Consulting
Watching a loved one suffer with an addiction is confusing and painful. Often families need their own help and support in the process of supporting their spouse or their child in achieving abstinence. I can offer brief, situational coaching or ongoing support.
Recovery Coaching
I help people navigate the terrain between early recovery and long-term abstinence. This often begins as a person is completing residential treatment for a substance use disorder. I support them in making the transition from the protected environment of treatment to day-to-day life.
Transitional Coaching
Maybe you’re starting over completely, or maybe you just feel stuck. You might need to end a painful relationship, implement a much-needed career change, or find a way to feel better about your path in life. A little support in times like this can go a long way. Let’s talk about how I can help you through the transition.
Placement Services
With substance use disorders, there is a vast difference between treatment and good treatment. A facility’s search engine ranking does not correlate with the quality of care they provide. I can help you or your family find the right program to meet your needs.

In my lifework, I use my ideas, experience, and skills with the intent of helping as many people as I possibly can have better, more-fulfilling lives. This takes the form of direct client interaction with recovery and transitional coaching, family coaching and consulting, and group programming.
To connect with a larger community, I publish written work each week with my newsletter, The Manifest, and produce podcasts and other media focused on healthy relationships and personal growth.
I began my career in the late 1990’s, after addressing the alcohol problem I suffered with as a young adult. Having had the luxury of top-notch substance abuse treatment, I went on to work, and trained as a counselor, at the facility where I was treated, then a part of what is now the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.
Over the years, as I have continued to grow, my initial objective to help people achieve long-term recovery has evolved, and become more inclusive, as I recognized that, although we may not all suffer from addiction or related concerns, we all suffer with something.
I have been fortunate to work for and with some of the world’s best treatment providers, including Cumberland Heights, in Nashville, TN, and the Crossroads at Antigua Foundation, in addition to beginning my career at that Hazelden facility.
Through the twists and turns of my own life, I’ve come to understand that our true task is to be a genuine expression of ourselves.
Whether it’s by guiding a parent or spouse in finding appropriate care for their loved one, facilitating a men’s group, coaching a person in long-term recovery through conflict in their love relationship, writing a story about my own experience with change, or interviewing an expert on grief and loss for a podcast episode, my goal is to help people heal their connection with themselves and their emotions.
Feel free to contact me if I can help you or someone you love.
We’ve created a society where people would rather experience practically anything besides the way it feels to be who they are.